Manu nació en Medellín, Colombia en 1990
Estudió Comunicación gráfica publicitaria en la Universidad de Medellín y posteriormente hizo un Master en Dirección de Arte en ELISAVA en Barcelona.
Ha trabajado para agencias de publicidad e ilustrado libros para editoriales como SM, Cruïlla, Penguin Random House, Usborne, Little Brown, Candlewick y otras.
Manu was born in Medellín, Colombia, in 1990.
She studied Graphic Design and Advertising in her hometown and Art Direction in Barcelona, where she lives.
She grew up both in the city and the country and spent most of her childhood drawing, playing with plants and animals, and exploring the woods.
She studied Graphic Design and Advertising in her hometown and Art Direction in Barcelona, where she lives.
She grew up both in the city and the country and spent most of her childhood drawing, playing with plants and animals, and exploring the woods.
Manu has worked for advertising agencies and as an illustrator for SM editorial, Cruïlla, Penguin Random House, Usborne, Little Brown, Candlewick, and others.
She loves working with gouache, colored pencils, ink, and digital media.
She loves working with gouache, colored pencils, ink, and digital media.